Automated Attendance
Our automated attendance tracking feature that is able record and monitor attendance at a specific time in date, hours, minutes and seconds.
Real time
Attendance is recorded in real time soon as your members or staff accesses and leaves the premise, an active log of all member and staff entries is recorded automatically
Our real time attendance tracking keeps your members on progressing toward their goals. They can see the impact of their attendance on their progress, and you can encourage them when they’re consistent and coach them when they’re not
By using an automated way to track attendance, you can concentrate on what really matters – making your members and your business hugely successful. Actively tracking attendance is a great way to help you identify which members may be at risk of leaving your gym, studio or fitness center
It Show You care
Attendance tracking feature, shows the care to your members and staff. They know their presence is noted, and that whether or not they come does indeed matters